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What To Do When You Are Feeling EXTREMELY Unmotivated!

On days like this, cold, quiet, and a little too productive for taste I tend to allow my brain to venture off to it's 2 favorite islands called Procrastination and Distraction. I mean why not, right? It's paradise there! There's an unlimited amount of social media, catchy instrumentals and hip-hop to listen to and LOTS of space. Not only that, you get to post meaningless things to make people laugh at you...excuse me, I think I mean with you. But what if I told you there is this miraculous natural disaster called Proactivity and Purpose that can wipe those miserably exciting islands from the face of your world!

I know that it's not easy, but what is that's worth having?

Today I caught myself on these 2 islands and let me tell you I broke the physical laws of this world in doing so. If there was a cup beside me I picked it up and examined it's features and texture and even it's "durability", and man was I amazed. My phone was a HUGE distraction! I was scrolling through Instagram being my primitive self and saving posts I liked in the discover category since my own feed was just as boring as my assignment.

OH! We haven't even touched on what I was doing, well, why waste time. Before I vacated to me islands I told myself that day that I would edit my NOVEL I've been working on for two years now. Afterwards, I would call a company for an ISBN number for my poetry book that I finished. Goals were supposed to be accomplished today, very important ones at that! But there I was scrolling...... Making no change and no money, no pun intended.

I know I am not alone on these islands. I saw lots of familiar faces. Some were online on Facebook or Instagram and others were posting to their Snapchat stories with the famous "HMU!" acronym. Everyone of those people posting and scrolling have purposes and by choice, fail to accomplish them, including me.

So I came up with a helpful list of things to heed when you are in this particular state of mind.

1. Simply CONSIDER THE OUTCOME! - Time is money. This had to sink in but it didn't so well at first. I get a bit rebellious with myself at times but then I found myself contemplating over this idea some more. If I keep scrolling what would I gain from this? Answer: A dead phone. If I were to finish my task what would I get? Answer: Closer to fulfilling my purpose and achieving financial stability. My dad always tells me, whatever you do throughout the course of a day, always 'Then What...'

2. Focus your Mind on the Task at Hand...- Everyone has a purpose which is why you live and breathe. Your purpose is just as important as that of a tree. It is up to you to find out how important you are. You are your own commodity, savior and teacher. With that being said, the cost of procrastination could possibly outweigh your end result of your assignment. I'm sure that your distraction could wait for another time.

3. Simply GET MOTIVATED! - Energy is the source of what you live on and you can either become a power source or a liability. There is an influx of pests everywhere in the world. They are called Consumers, customers, patients and children. Don't get me wrong, you can play both roles but consumers outweigh producers by tenfold. Just go Black Friday shopping this weekend and see if you can prove me wrong. Have a Producers mindset and not that of a leech.

4. again....Respect the Illusion - Like I said before, Time is money! We fail to realize that in this Game of Life, we are the joystick with Time being the Gamer. You have to maintain yourself, your family, your value and your soul in the best way you know possible. None of this can be done under the simulation of procrastination.

If the phrase "I'm Bored' is used greatly in you're daily vocabulary you need to eliminate it TODAY! There is someone out there or some people that need to know what you know or need your talents. Energy has to be transferred not just taken. When you realize how important you are then it wont be so easy to release those tsunamis onto those islands. On that note, let me get back to this Novel....

Here we have the god Chronos, your own personal Gamer.

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