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B.A.R.D.ess Is Thee NAME

I am sure many of you wonder to yourself why is BARDess the theme to almost everything I do. Someone asked if it was an alter ego and as soon as that question popped, I knew i had some explaining to do. BARDess is more my logo. Like almost every reason why I write poetry, this name was inspired by The Greatest Bard himself, William Shakespeare. Shakespeare had a talent that was ahead of his time and really had a beautiful memory. Paper back then, as you know, was very hard to come by and very expensive.

Quite often only the king and queen could afford such a value. This means Shakespeare had to memorize a great amount of his playwrights, his invented poetry styles and best of all his own poetry. He had a beautiful mind and with his talent he became a legacy, an icon and a bard. The very first moment I recognized I had a talent for poetry was during Thanksgiving back in 2012. My twin sister, Myah Lewis and my cousin, Janay Scales and I decorated multiple cards for family members that made dishes for the event, which was almost everyone.

When I finish decorating my card I went straight to writing. As my pencil kept moving across the paper I noticed that my once intended Thank You script suddenly turned into a poem. I thought, 'how odd, all I wanted to express was that I was thankful, I never intended to turn it into a Hallmark card!' So anyway, I finished all of them and realized once more, subconsciously, I wrote five short poems in 30 minutes! Of course Janay and Myah were more impressed with my words than my decorations. There are just some things I am not good at, unfortunately.

There is a very long poem I posted on just about every social media site I have called, 'My Perspective'. You can find it at Power That poem took me about 10 minutes to write and I have witnesses that will tell you no different.

I was reading the Hamlet play when I discovered the word Bard. Bard is a real word which means poet but I decided to turn it into an acronym. The acronym is Beautiful Art Radiant Dreams. The additional 'ess' is just there to reference to myself as a female poet. I have had people ask me as well, 'Are you trying to copy Cardi B's name?' Anytime people asked me that I smiled at them in understanding and explained the true meaning. Before now, I really thought I should have explained this to my readers sooner but I believe that this was perfect. I hope now you all have a clear understanding of who I am and who inspired me to do what I do today.

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