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Here we are with the mystery of LOVES finally being revealed. As I said in my previous blog, LOVES stands for Loved Ones Viewing Esoteric Success. Now as you know, the cyber world is filled with viral videos of people of every age,size, and race acting completely foolish! Now don't get me wrong! You have a lot of talented people out there that go viral for amazing accomplishments and that deserve commencement. There are a variety of ways people get internet famous, but, in this day and age writing isn't even trending.

Now, yes there is a very thin line when I say writing. I know you may think, 'well music is poetry and movies are playwrights.' All Correct! BUT just reading a poem isn't the first thing that a bored person would do. Poetry doesn't get as much publicity as a hot rap song would. So I must shout out poets like Rupi Kaur for holding it down for us poets! Reading is just not in anymore and it almost takes a genuinely intellectual individual to get on the internet JUST to click on a blog like mine. Everyone's busy now, working 3 jobs or less to just stay on their feet or feed their family so writers like me can't get tight from not getting an instant million views.

So TRUST ME, when I say every like, reaction, comment and share that I get from my LOVES is so appreciated. You really do not have the slightest inclination of how happy it makes me. So on to the second to last word in the acronym. The word esoteric comes a crossed as a religious adjective. Completely opposite. The definition of esoteric, based on the New World Webster's Dictionary is, 'meant for or only understood by only a chosen few.' Really, when I release my first poem book and the more I blog, you will see exactly what this word entails. Religion on the other hand is limiting but that is also a topic for another time.

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